
Friday, May 11, 2012

How to combine multiple documents into one PDF

A powerful feature of Adobe Acrobat X is the ability to combine several different types of documents into a singular PDF file. You may want to do this when you need to distribute several different types of documents. By creating a single PDF that contains them all, you can ensure that each recipient will be able to view each.

1.Run "Adobe Acrobat X" from "strat" -->"All Programs"

2.Point the to the upper left-hand side of the Adobe Acrobat interface once the programs loads, then click "Combine."

3.Select "Merge files into a single PDF" from the drop-down menu. the "Add Files" drop-down menu in the upper left-hand side of the "Combine Files" dialog box. Click the "Add Files" button.

5.Navigate to the directory containing the file that you would like to add using the Windows Explorer box that appears. Double-click the file to select it.

6.Repeat the process until you have added all of the files to the "Combine Files" dialog box.

7.Point the mouse cursor to the bottom right-hand side of the "Combine Files" dialog box, and select either the "Email Size" "Default Size" or "Large Size" by selecting the corresponding icon.

8.Click "Combine Files" to finish the process. All documents will open in their native program, then will be automatically converted to PDF.

9.Type a name for your new PDF document when prompted, and click "Save."

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Combine Multiple PDFs into One File

Now a days PDF file format is become very popular to us. We have many  PDFs stored on our computers for just about everything .And some time many of them are same categories . Especially with the tax receipts,house rant bills ...etc. It would be best to combine all the individual PDFs into one big PDF for archival purposes.

And It has many way to do so..But In this Article i present you some most easy and popular way.

Combine Multiple PDFs into one File:

"pdfbinder" is A simple tool to merge several PDF documents into one.
To Download this go PDFBinder homepage and Download.And Install the latest version of the software. Then follow the steps.

  1.Run pdfbinder.

  2.Click Add File at the top of the screen, then choose your first PDF. Keep clicking Add File and adding PDFs until you see all of the required PDFs in the list below the Add File button.

3.You can reorder or delete PDFs in the list by selecting a PDF, then using the arrow keys or delete key located next to the Add File button.

4.When you are Done to add files , click Bind! Give your PDF a name and save it. Within a couple of seconds, the new PDF will appear on your screen.

This is the easiest way to make combine pdf file.But if you don't understand this process you can go other way. Here I give you another way to combine pdf file. 
  • How to combine multiple documents into one PDF.